The Asian Studies Center is offering a 3-credit internship opportunity, designed for a full-time Pitt undergraduate student interested in Mandarin and Japanese language education. Preference will be given to students who are currently enrolled in the ASC Undergraduate Certificate Program.
Under the supervision of a School of Education faculty member, a graduate student in Pitt’s Masters of Teaching (MAT) program, and an experienced high school teacher, the selected undergraduate intern will develop a unit plan related to the pertinent regions’s language, culture and/or current affairs that is suitable for a secondary world languages classroom in a Pittsburgh area school. To do this, the intern will enroll in a 3-credit Education course in spring 2023 in order to complete a series of classroom
observations, readings and reflections; co-teach several lessons with the MAT student supervisor, and develop a portfolio detailing these experiences.
To apply, please submit this completed application form, along with an unofficial transcript showing all previous college-level academic work, to Emily Rook-Koepsel at by Friday, October 28, 2022.