My Pitt Global

This new student platform is your one-stop-shop to integrate the curricular achievements with study abroad, civic & global engagement and professional development opportunities. The online tools will help you access all UCIS academic programs, study abroad, international events and activities, advisors and your peers.

myPittGlobal is a pilot program available only to students enrolled in one or more UCIS certificates. We hope you will take the time to update your profile, log the achievements you have already completed toward your certificate(s) and continue to use the website or mobile app to continue tracking your progress. Please contact John Stoner ( / 412-648-7360) or talk with one of our academic advisors for further information.

Your global engagement starts here!

Personalized advising helps to optimize study abroad opportunities, general education and foreign/cultural requirements.

Tell your global story on a unique website you design.

Find the right study abroad program out of more than 350 options!