Venezuelan Cinema/Cinema Venezolano


The Cinema of Venezuela 1995-2015 | El cine que hemos hecho en estos años. 1995 – 2015

INVITED SPEAKER; Haydeé Chavero González,
Chair of the Cinema and Communications Department Universidad Central de Venezuela. Founder Caracas Filminuto and President Fundación Audiovisual FACIL Panel discussion with Pitt Hispanic Languages and Literature faculty; John Beverly and Juan Duchesne (In Spanish with English translation)


Thursday October 1, 2015. 7:00 PM
Frick Fine Arts Auditorium –UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH

NOSTALGIA. Gustavo Rondón / 18 min / Venezuela / 2010
Thomas, a man in his thirties looks at the deep plain of los "Llanos", accompa nied by his young son Alberto, after the sudden death of his wife. In his first night alone, he sits in the yard to get drunk and mourn. The next mornings the boys hunger awaken him. With the embarrassment of the novelty, the parent uses the instinct to care for his child. But sadness lurks in the solitude of his home. Night after night he evades; he starts drinking; he drowns out his fee lings, with alcohol and anxiety in his body, he de cides to be with his wife.
LA MULA MUERTA | DEAD MULE. Rafael Velásquez / 12 min / Venezuela / 2011
Beatriz is a cheerful young woman involved in an affair with her boss, Nicolas, a married man. Although their meetings are brief and often of a sexual nature, Bea triz wants to bring Nicholas to a more committed and less casual relationship; her persistence and originality wins. Laura, the wife of Nicolas, has hired someone to follow them in their affair and take compromising photos of them. When Laura challenges Beatriz makes an unusual request: she wants the economic benefits she received before. Beatriz agrees, but the confrontation produces an unexpec ted consequence.
COLMILLO | FANG. Albi Abreu / 19 min / Venezuela / 2010
An indomitable stray dog takes over the territory from a beggar, Mateo, who is immersed in solitude. Mateo does not understand how he has been displa ced by a dog and is determined to regain his place at any cost. What seemed simple to Mateo ends up in a great battle. Solitude and the companionship will play a role in the battle. Fang is a history of reflection on how human beings are willing to endure in order not to be alone.
I WANNA SHINE. Prakriti Maduro / 8 min / Venezuela / 2011
I Wanna Shine tells the story of a set of objects lying in a film warehouse. When the manager leaves, these objects come alive. An old film camera, is the director of a clandestine set, flashlights, microphones, cables, lamps and tri pods are the actors, dancers, singers, and acrobats in the movie. This "stop- motion" short, has participated in 5 international festivals, and won the Best Animation prize at the Chort’s Film Festival in 2010.

FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!!! Light refreshments provided
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