Undergraduate Teaching Award

Undergraduate Teaching Award

Deadline: April 1, 2025


The Undergraduate Teaching Award offers undergraduates the opportunity to enrich their educational experience, enhance their resumé, and receive a cash award of $1,000. The Award is given to an outstanding undergraduate (currently enrolled in one of the credentials of the Center for Latin American Studies) to assist a professor in a Latin American, Caribbean, and/or Latinx course and is generally available each term.

To apply, the student and the CLAS faculty member must present the following documents:

  • Letter of nomination from the faculty teaching the course (1-2 pages). It should include:
    • how the student will participate in the course
    • how the srudent's involvement is expected to contribute to implementation of teaching innovation otherwise not possible without the time commitment of an assistant.
  • Statement of intent (three-page maximum) defining his/her own goals in the course
  • Up-to-date resumé
  • ONE letter of recommendation of the student's qualifications to serve as a teaching assistant and it should be submitted by a faculty member other than the sponsor. This recommendation letter should be submitted directly to the academic advisor via e-mail (bravo@pitt.edu).

To apply go to: